

Duology - the science of 2 people working together to enhance the performance of each other.

In the 9-week progression you will learn a variety of lifts and tricks from weight room favourites, all the way to flashy dance specialties. Grab a partner, friend, or stranger and get ready to have a good time. By the end of the program you will have a plethora of party tricks at your disposal.

And as they say... it takes 2 to tango..

At Katona Athletic Performance we believe that athleticism is a choice and can be built at any point in life - all you need is the desire to attain it. Ready to experience physical literacy in a brand-new way? Let's Build!

What's included

Workout PDFs

The phases of the program come complementary with a PDF document of the workouts, allowing you to quickly reference your training plan independently of the videos.

Instructional Videos

The program includes detailed videos for each movement introduced designed with a 3 layer teaching style: 1. Visual Demo, 2. Written Cues & 3. Voice-Over to cater to all learning styles.

Knowledge Enhancement PDFs

Here at Katona Athletic Performance our goal is to leaving you feeling more educated than when you walked in. The included PDF files are designed to enhance your training experience and give you the tools to sit in the driver's seat of your journey to personal excellence.

In summary, you get:

Workout PDF

Exercise Videos

Knowledge Enhancement PDFs


$50 Subscription (includes all programs)

Excusez moi! J'ai besoin de votre aide.

Keystone Program +
Private Coaching.


For 3 months, I provide technical feedback via text/voice message on all relevant videos you send, and make ongoing adjustments to your program based on how you respond to the work. I also advise you more generally on recovery / lifestyle protocols as needed to help you get the most out of the work.

Check out our other programs